A new study for the Club of Rome “The Circular Economy” by Anders Wijkman (Co-President of the Club of Rome) and Kristian Skånberg has been translated into Ukrainian – “The Circular Economy and Benefits for Society: Jobs and Climate Clear Winners in an Economy Based on Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency”.

A new study for the Club of Rome “The Circular Economy” by Anders Wijkman (Co-President of the Club of Rome) and Kristian Skånberg has been translated into Ukrainian – “The Circular Economy and Benefits for Society: Jobs and Climate Clear Winners in an Economy Based on Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency”.

“Decoupling of economic growth from corresponding increases in resource use, which in turn should be decoupled from their negative impact on the environment – is not just a top priority concern that humanity faces today. This is a strong requirement for mankind’s survival on the Earth”, – Viktor Halasiuk, President for the Ukrainian Association for the Club of Rome, is convinced.

According to him, Ukraine can find itself in this new economic reality faster than its neighboring countries and indisputably benefit from this. Circular economy should replace the traditional linear “take, make & dispose” model that has dominated the economy so far. This will open up new market niches (industrial design, engineering, remanufacturing, recycling, and services) and lead to rethinking of business models.

Ukraine can become the Eastern European hub in this new economic reality only if it becomes an active participant of its creation at the earliest stage possible. But to enter this significantly higher level of resource efficiency in the economy we crucially need technology innovations in combination with behavior change, investment boost and introduction of specific incentives by the state.