“The country’s economic “agenda” should be long-term and inclusive. As far as economy is primarily a social project”, – Viktor Halasiuk, President of the Ukrainian Association for the Club of Rome, commenting for the Day Newspaper.

“Ukraine is capable to apply a holistic approach aimed to build country with successful economy and contribute to the benefits of society, national interests, international partners, and future generations.

However, evolutionary gains are insufficient – the very paradigm is to be fundamentally changed. With this purpose the Ukrainian Association for the Club of Rome is making substantial efforts through translation and publication of the reports for the Club of Rome and related books, open lectures in the leading universities, scientific research, and promotion of the Club of Rome ideas”, ­– Viktor Halasiuk said.

According to him, Ukraine is revealingly experiencing scale devastating impacts of the imposed neoliberal paradigm, which has eventually penetrated into national economic policy: deindustrialization, poverty, emigrations, artificially created debt burden, and “palliative care” dependence.

Along with that, Ukraine is capable to show off how far the unprecedented shift from utopia of “an invisible hand of free market” and self-developing wellbeing can open up energy of entrepreneurship, innovations, and scrupulous work in favour of sustainable and balanced economic development.